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The mushroom is the above ground fruiting or reproductive structure of a fungus. Many of the species of fungi that produce mushrooms feed on decaying organic matter in the soil. It is common to find mushrooms growing on lawns that have dead and buried stumps, roots, boards, excess thatch and other organic debris. Mushrooms help decay buried organic matter. Mushrooms range from 1-12" in diameter and tend to appear after heavy rains or watering. Some mushrooms are foul smelling, some are poisonous and for the most part are undesirable on home lawns because of their appearance. However, it is important to note that they do not cause any damage to turf. The fungi that produce mushrooms over winter as mycelia spawn in the soil and decaying organic matter. Fungi reproduce by spores and spread by wind, water, and lawn equipment. Control of mushrooms can be achieved by doing the following: Where practical, carefully dig up and destroy rotting stumps, roots, or other organic debris. Remove mushrooms by hand, with a lawn mower or stiff rake. Mushrooms will disappear naturally only when the food in the soil becomes exhausted. This process may take several years. Ensure your sprinkler system is functioning correctly as broken, leaking, submerged or clogged heads can over-water certain areas of the lawn leading to the presence of mushrooms. If you have further questions about mushrooms on lawns, contact your Weed Man North DFW professional today.Control