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What is Crabgrass?
Tips from Weed Man North Dallas Fort Worth
Crabgrass - a troublesome weed grass - infests lawns across North Texas. Since there are many different weed grasses, it is critical that the undesirable grass be correctly identified. Identification features are listed below:
Crabgrass establishes from seed every year.
Crabgrass is an undesirable grass due to the weakness of the plant's structure, its coarse texture and unsightly color. These characteristics do not blend well into a fine-textured, dark green, Weed Man North DFW lawn. If the coarse, ugly grass infesting your lawn is green as soon as early spring, the weed grass is not crabgrass. Control measures for annual and perennial weed grasses differ. Discuss these methods with your Weed Man North DFW team.
- Crabgrass is very difficult to identify early in spring since only plant skeletons are present at this time.
- Crabgrass is best identified in summer or fall for control in fall or the following spring.
- Crabgrass cannot be controlled with broadleaf weed control products.
- Crabgrass favors sandy, sunny locations in a weakened condition. Areas damaged by insects or along sidewalks and driveways are prime targets for crabgrass attack.
- A strong, healthy, properly fertilized, mowed and watered Weed Man North DFW lawn provides the strongest defense against crabgrass. Thick, lush, insect and weed free lawns allow few open sites for crabgrass to establish.
Remember, crabgrass grows from seed every year in weakened, stressed areas!
Crabgrass control combines reducing numbers of crabgrass with strengthening the lawn. Your Weed Man North DFW team can apply a special crabgrass control material in fall and very early in the spring before the crabgrass seeds germinate. This material will form a barrier to stop crabgrass seed roots as they germinate. Following application, this barrier must not be broken by raking or digging.
Crabgrass will establish in the unprotected areas. Weed Man North DFW can strengthen your lawn by applying a specially formulated fertilizer program. He can beautify your lawn with weed control, insect control - if necessary - and advise you on proper mowing and watering procedures. Crabgrass in the lawn can be reduced over a few seasons of special care by your Weed Man and yourself. A thick, dark green, crabgrass-free lawn is well worth the patience and special care.